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More than what you need to know. 


My name is Taylor, 


I'm a twenty-something year old with a lot of time on my hands. Typically these hands are covered with drool, smashed food, makeup-stains, and moisturizer. Maybe at separate times, perhaps all together; I will let your imagination decide for you.


I majored in Literary Studies and found out that, with such a prestigious degree, you can be one of two things: A Teacher or Broke. So, I taught for 3 years and found out that you can truly only be one of those things, and it is Broke. 


I did what any aspiring writer would do ... Created a blog. Because if there is any platform out there that is missing high numbers of contributing members its -- social media influencers and bloggers -- clearly. 


I hope while you're here you read something that entertains you, inspires you, makes your laugh, or perhaps allows you to consider an alternative perspective. 


If not, well ... Reddit is always an option. 


 Read it or Leave it, 





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